The primary thing you should know whether you are thinking about how to prepare a dog is training it. On the off chance that a dog isn't even trained, how would you anticipate that it should sit or remain or not eat the mentor legs?
Pups will regularly 'deliver' something like clockwork. On the off chance that you notice that your puppy is meandering around sniffing the ground that implies it's an ideal opportunity to go. Take the dog outside and let it do its business. Make certain to take the dog out through a similar entryway without fail, if possible. This will train the dog to stand by that entryway each time it needs to go. For dog weight pulling training you can use the proper gear available.

Presently for the world renowned order called "sit." Every individual who needs to realize how to prepare a dog for dog weight pulling training should initially instruct 'sit' before some other stunts. Recall that whenever you train a dog, just do it for 10 minutes all at once and two times each day. Bring the dog over to you with a treat close by. The dog's interest with the free food will keep him inspired by what you need to say.
Advise the dog to 'sit' and afterward place your hand over the dogs head. On the off chance that the dog plunks down and looks directly up like he ought to, give him the treat and pet and play with him, appreciating his achievement. Do this until the ten minutes is up and attempt again the next day for pit bull muscle building.
In the event that he doesn't plunk down, under any condition, drive it. Without harming the dog, attempt to push his butt down, while leaving the head up. The dog may battle somewhat initially for pit bull muscle building, however when it's sitting, give it a treat. It will not avoid any more.